Hello all!
Check where we are on the Global Chart and on Asia Pacific's ranking! Just want to say, this is only the beginning of the amazing work that we've put in for the past couple of months!
The more amazing part? Most of these people are coming back for a Leadership Role :) so that means so much more for us in terms of the work that we have done.
The year may have seemed long, and tough - I guess most of us have "matured" over this period, but I say hard work pays off. Even our members :) There's tons of meaning to what we have done; as I read comments and stories of AIESECers who have gone for the exchange , especially those who went for Exchange after their leadership term, I am very proud of what we are doing every single day. Maybe it gets tiring, maybe it gets frustrating at times, but we are a group of pillars there to support you in the steps that you take in your life. Definitely looking forward to the next couple of weeks, and for our successors to continue this momentum :D
The friendship does not end in 3 weeks, neither will our work stop here. Our lives may go on after AIESEC, but I hope nobody forgets the life sessions you gain from here. It's the mindset that matters the most and stays with you.
I was at JCI event yesterday and we spoke of CSR. The panel beside me spoke of what they did, like creating cornware and cups, and sponsoring scholarships to children of firemen who died in their line of duty. As I listened to the panel, I thought, the most important thing is to start with the self.
So when I was asked to speak, I said I know not of CSR, I have not stepped into the working sector yet. But the most valuable thing is that when you are in AIESEC, you start to see beyond the "I", but the "We". We work in teams, and people around us show our best side and when we are at our worst - they are our mirror. This is where we face who we are, and increase our own self-awareness and how we handle our teams. Along the way, we make that little step to make that change in ourselves. As we embark on internships, we see it as complementing our character development, to see beyond "my university", "my view" and "my country", we take it to the point where we appreciate the world, and see ourselves as a citizen of the world. Not as a Singaporean, or a student, etc - but as a human being. Just like everyone else, we are human beings. Once we come down to that, we become citizens of the world because all of us belong to this planet.
Once we truly care and have this mindset, when we join a company I am sure this habit and behaviour naturally follows us. Then CSR itself becomes not an activity to do, but somewhere in our innate nature. We don't have to transform companies to adopt CSR or to wait for the organization to change itself - but when we join a company we are concerned about the world around us.
So like they said, the going gets tough, but the tough gets going. I'm proud to be with the tough ones who stick it through this journey, and this job isn't paid - so the perks may be less, but I am sure the rewards you reap will be immeasurable.. just like I did. I am very very very appreciative of my experience in AIESEC, and this experience has been a ride (yes - many ups and many downs, but I learnt so many good things from every one).
Keep the awesome work coming, I know you are acquiring some new thought from doing! :D
Thankful to be working alongside each one of you,
From Asia Pacific Director David:
As you can see Asia Pacific grew by 74% in the month of May due to the sizeable absolute and relative contributions of a variety of countries! Especially congratulations to our Top 5 absolute contributors who were also in the top 10 globally in the same category! The key is to maintain and increase this momentum as the key realization peak for most countries approach.
To evaluate our pipeline I have also included data on Matches for the first time!
As you can see a strong pipeline is being built with over 91% growth in matches! But there is still room to improve this matching with the huge amount of available forms that are available within the region.
Te region has over 6000 forms on available, each of which represents a stakeholder with expectations of AIESEC. It is very important that we push a strong matching message to ensure delivery for a huge majority of these raised forms.
Look within the region and also to regions like CEE (over 5000 available forms) and WENA (nearly 3000 available forms) to ensure delivery!
Don't forget to empower LCs, motivate them and provide them with the tools to ensure they can match these stakeholders during this crucial month!
Good luck with the rest of the months and a huge congratulations to all the countries who appeared on these top rankings including:
Australia, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mainland China, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, The Philippines, Vietnam