Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Great Sales Resources

Sorry if I made you think it was Great Singapore Sales with the words 'Great' and 'Sales'.

I am doing a marketing and sales internship in Cameroon now, and during my sales breaks I read quick guides to improve my skills. I have found some good ones written by sales coach and authors, here are the links for the tough ones doing sales out there. They are short and crisp, so suitable for all the people who have too much for too little time.

The first 7 seconds of Cold Call
Why should you not ask how are you? How do you phrase your offer to attract? How can you prevent a monologue?

Company meeting - Customize your knowledge
Company meetings are for not for you to prove how much you know, but to what you don't know about the prospect or what the prospect don't know about you. What questions can you ask to uncover these?

Make Winning Follow Up
How can you turn a follow up email into a value-adding email for your prospects? How can you remind the prospects the reasons behind listening to you? Includes really good follow up templates.

Basic (But Effective) Sales Styles and Tips
Really basic guides. So it's a good check to see if you have gotten the basic rules right. Main idea: Be a resource for your prospects, not a salesman.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Amazingly inspiring Phonecalls in the AIESEC Office

I have been working in the AIESEC office at SMU ever since my exams ended in late May 09. I would like to take this opportunity to share with all of you the amazing discovery that I made during this short stint.
- I have received a couple of random overseas phonecalls on the fax machine from AIESECers abroad asking if we have any TNs currently available.
My take on this:
"Singapore is a place with lots of opportunity and its definitely a destination which AIESECers from abroad would want to work in. What I mean here is the excellent environment which we have that is so enriching.
So for each call I receive, I have to sorrowfully reject them as we did not have any available forms (at least during that point in time; made me feel so upset). The point is if we are able to manage and increase our incoming sales capacity, we will be so so so so HOT. In fact, I dare say the hottest in the AP. So yeahhh...our OGX is good but do not forget that we have massively untapped opportunity and potential on the ICX side as well.
So for all our people...I would like to tell that we need and we must make sales a priority which we should grow for the long term viability of the organisation. Imagine with more TNs many lives are you contributing to (in terms of the @XP). Not forgetting that when the trainees do come in, they too can greatly contribute to our community...See the multiplied effect ...We send many people out...but we also need to take people in...
No point giving all the time...we are generous, but we should also be "gracious" to receive.
Takeaway for the day: Give and receive at the same time...."
"pUsH iT ahhh pUsH iT ahhh pUsH iT rEaL gOoD..."

Friday, July 3, 2009

MCVPER and Corporate Relations Manager Selected!

Dear all!

I was recently busy with the MCVPER selections, and I am extremely overjoyed to announce that we've completed our MC0809 team!

2 very outstanding individuals will be joining us on MC0809: the Groundbreakers . *Drumrolls* They are...
Gildas Yombi, Cameroon (MCVPER)
Genevieve Marett, Australia (Corporate Relations Manager)

I had a skype call with Gen earlier at about 2.30AM in Australia. She was trying hard to contain her excitement because her family was asleep and she didn't want to wake them up.

According to me, I am amused that our international MC nicks were uncannily similar. Gilda's was "Hello AIESEC Singapore, here I come!!!" and Gen's "AIESEC Singapore here I come!". I am proud of our international MC and I am absolutely delighted that they are thrilled too! :D

I will be updating this space to introduce them soon. In the meantime, you might want to try out connecting with them via facebook. :D

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Woo hoo! 1st coherent AIESEC Product sheet!

OOoooh babbeh babbeh~~ ahh after spending a whole afternoon and some parts of the night on it, it's finally done...The birth of the first coherent and !!pretty!! AIESEC Product sheet! I took so much pain in the layout design and drafting the content that i'm damn proud of myself now and i just have broadcast it to the world...hahaha. =D

looking on the dark side, this is just the first of many more to come...=_=

Exited about mail migration! mail is going to migrate to gmail!

The whole team is pretty excited about this (esp me who is the ultimate geek). Having a dedicated gmail server for emails definitely ups our internal branding (members might get a sense of pride that mail is more zng than other company mails), enhances email communication (no more "huh you sent me an email?" moments), and helps strengthen AIESEC's image as a global organization (now we can send emails in peace instead of using our personal accounts).

Gmail as mail really doesn't come cheap; shows that it's $50/user/year. I'm pretty sure there's some sort of agreement and AIESEC gets it much cheaper, but in any case any cost incurred IMO is rather worth it. Regular users of will know that it's not the most stable email system, and there are many opportunity costs to not having a stable mailing system. Kudos AI for the move!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

tinge of sadness amidst the newfound hope and happiness

hmm, i was still feeling the high of saying hello to 0910 yesterday, and had this awesome feeling of being absolutely proud of the results achieved in 0809.

today i received many farewell messages, i am beginning to feel a sense of melancholy.

today i had my last gcc meeting :( it was a great meeting, but at the same time, we won't ever be sitting in the same meeting ever again. i was reminded of the time last year when i received news that i was selected to the gcc, the absolute thrill of getting in.. what wonderful memories. :) now a year has flown by, and we've done many projects in this past year.

today, many of the 0809 presidents and teams step down, and everyone's saying goodbye.

yet it is also marks the new start for many 0910 presidents (my fellow comrades!) to begin their term.

i wonder how i will feel next year! haha~ let's keep an eye on this spot till next year k!